Friday, May 14, 2010

Scottie's Birthday!

Scott is 28!

We were able to go out without the kids and that was GREAT! Here are a couple of pictures from the party at home. I attempted to make an icecream cake and everything that could go wrong did. I am not kidding. At least the picture looks cool.

Scott likes to downplay things so it was a pretty easy going birthday. Some birthday I will have to throw him a huge party and make him way out of his comfort zone...but not this time.
I caught him right before he did his gang sign.
I forgot the candles so he got to blow out a match.
Here it is...the DEMON cake. First the cake stuck to the pans because I didn't grease them enough. Then the icecream melted because I didn't let the cake cool enough. Then the frosting wasn't cooperative. The only thing that went right was the popcorn. If you can't tell what it is it is supposed to be a bucket of popcorn. The popcorn was actually really good with the cake...I never would have thought it would be a good combo but it was.


kachers said...

HA! Well looking at the cake you'd have no idea anything went wrong! HAppy Birthday Scott! We CANNOT WAIT for you guys to come next month! AHHHHHH!

Krista said...

The cake looks great. Happy Birthday Scott.

aaron said...

well the cake looks delicious.

happy birthday scooter!