A rose by any other name would still be just as sweet....right? WRONG...So we were set on naming him James Edwards Evans and even filled out the Birth Certificate information when we both decided that James doesn't fit. I was still at the hospital when Scott called and said that he was hesitant to call him James. In the mean time I was having a hard time calling him that as well. I thought it was just because it was new but after Scott put in his two cents I got the paper work back and we went back to square one. Last night we decided for sure that he was going to be named after his papa. I have loved that Katie is named after me and I really wanted our first son to be named after Scott. So we had a middle name...good place to start. _____ Thomas Evans. Well we got our list of names out and started looking at all of them. We were thinking about Caleb and Paul...when out of no where Scott said he liked Liam. So Scott left last night and we were still trying to figure things out. We were tentatively thinking Liam. So I tried calling him that all last night during my three middle of the night feedings and it wasn't working for me. So I told Scott this morning at about 7. So I tried calling him Caleb and that was a no go when finally Paul stuck. So we have a beautiful baby boy named Paul Thomas Evans. He is just perfect. He is a really good baby and we are really excited to be home and happy with our family of four.
It was really amazing to me how it really did matter what we named him. At first I thought whatever we chose would just stick but I must report that that is not the case.
Okay so enough with that, it is SO great to be home. I am feeling pretty good but quite sore. My sister Andrea flies in tonight and she is going to stay for the week and my mom will be here to help next week so that will make adjusting to having two kids a bit easier. Thanks to everyone that has called, I have loved it. Keep calling it is really good to hear from family and friends. Enjoy the pictures....
Wow! I am more fond of Paul myself, as if my opinion really makes a difference. Glad you are doing good and on the mend.
Welcome Paul-I-jedi II. good to have you in the fam. hope you are well equipped for sports and a mission. don't worry kid, you have plenty of time... Congrats Scott, Tiff, and katie....
Love from da ville
I'm glad you finally decided on a name... Paul is great. Hey, sorry I didn't get to come with Scott (my Scott) to bring you dinner... he needed to take the car because the lights are out on his truck. So, hopefully you got all of it! Enjoy your new bundle and get some rest this week! I'll call you later.
I like Paul better too. Hope you are recovering well, and enjoying having Andy there. Give the kids a squeeze for me. Love you!
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